(1) LACRAE REPENTS of selling Cardi B shirt that says, “I CAN QUOTE CARDI B AND CORINTHIANS,” which is at least SACRILIGIOUS.

(2) PASTOR TIM ROSS REPENTS and says he will stop his gross CURSING on his public CHRISTIAN platform.

(3) So-called TRANSGENDER teacher, “KAYLA LEMIEUX,” REPENTS and shows up for work DRESSED AS A MAN without the Z-CUP BREASTS and is using his male name “KERRY LEMIEUX” on the first day of school.

Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International, says thank God the 7,000 Church, the Remnant Church, and the Faithful Few Church are Rising up and rebuking the so-called “smaller sins” along with the so-called “big sins.” The pressure of that rebuke by the Power and Grace of God causes people to repent and change. For too long, Pastors, church leaders, and God’s people in the pews refused to “CRY ALOUD AND SPARE NOT,” and thus we have the rampant sins, abominations, and foolishness going on in the family, in the Church, in the nation, and in the world. Thank God that after over 20 million souls perished through the CORONAVIRUS PLAGUE, with many of them in the Church, more pastors, church leaders, and godly people in the pews are rising up and are “CRYING ALOUD AND SPARING NOT” and are rebuking people who are still trying to do some of the evils they did before the Coronavirus Plague. Jesus Christ is not only praying for the Church; he is rebuking and chastising the Church, and He has called upon His ministers and saints to do likewise. The Holy Word of God says:

 “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.”

Deconstructed rapper Lecrae announced that he has discontinued his “I can quote Cardi B and Corinthians” after being called out publicly by Christian Rapper Dee-1, along with sustained pressure from fans, who have publicly criticized his “Righteous & Ratchet” merchandise campaign.

“When I saw he used his large platform to publicly push, promote and glorify a lifestyle of being righteous and ratchet, I was like, ‘nah,’ ” Dee-1 said. “I have a responsibility to use my large public platform to put a message out and let people know that we as believers do not all agree with that and we don’t stamp that. We don’t co-sign that.”

Dee-1 said after he initially called Lecrae out for it, the two had a private conversation and Dee-1 thought they agreed the campaign wasn’t appropriate. But, Lecrae continued to market the line, and he even saw one of the shirts for sale that read, “I can quote Cardi B and Corinthians.”

“He still chose to want to monetize the moment,” Dee-1 said. “So [now], it seems like you’re putting the business before the ministry, and we have to be careful of that in life. When you’re doing ministry and business, it should never be business and then ministry.

In a new post on Instagram, Lecrae revealed he was discontinuing the shirt amid backlash.

“Enough people have been frustrated or upset behind that Cardi shirt, and I want y’all to understand my intentions in my heart. First of all, it will be discontinued, just so you know that. The shirt was not about promoting debauchery or worldliness, that wasn’t the intention.

“I can own the fact that I should have put more thought into that before we dropped it. I didn’t even consider some of these realities. Context is king, and Christianity in major cities and places that I dwell is a hotbed for racism, political ideology, homophobia, anti-intellectualism, and I always want to push back on people when they think that, because we’re not! That’s not what Christianity is, but a lot of people think that’s what it is.”

Despite removing the Cardi B shirt, he has elected to keep his “I can quote Kendrick (Lamar) and Corinthians” for sale .

Source: Protestia

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Pastor Tim Ross says he will stop cursing on his public Christian platforms

Preacher Tim Ross has received substantial criticism in recent months for using profanity on his new podcast platform, and although he initially defended his decision to use strong language, he recently announced he will no longer cuss on his public platforms.

At the end of 2022, Ross stepped down from his role as senior pastor at Embassy City Church in Irving, Texas, which he started nearly a decade ago because he felt called to go into full-time podcast ministry. His podcast, “The Basement with Tim Ross,” has amassed over 278,000 subscribers but he’s also received pushback for cussing on the podcast from the Church community and his pastor friends, one of whom asked him to look at the part of Ephesians 4:29 that says, “Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.”


Ross said many people had sent him Ephesians 4:29 to rebuke his cussing, but he responded by saying that the verse is not about cussing. Instead, it’s Paul “talking about gossiping and lying and backbiting and sowing discord among brethren, which is worse than all the cussing.” He added that his pastor-friend knows the context of the verse, and so when his friend pointed to the second sentence in Ephesians 4:29, he read it and received it for self-correction.

Initially, Ross defended his use of “strong language” because he said it fit with his “strong emotions.” However, following a recent discussion with his pastor-friend he had a change of heart and decided to no longer use foul language on his public platforms. He made this decision in part because he continues to be invited to preach at churches and doesn’t want churchgoers to be put on the spot and asked to defend his cussing on his podcast if asked.

“Using strong language on my public platforms is not worth [my pastor friends] having sideways energy brought their way,” he said in an Instagram Live video posted in August. Ross said his church leader friends should not be forced to defend him.

Source: Christian Post

So-called transgender teacher, Kayla Lemieux, Repents and shows up for work dressed as a man without the Z-Cup breasts on the first day of school


The saga of Kayla Lemieux appeared to come to an end Wednesday morning when the controversial Canadian teacher slipped into Nora Frances Henderson Secondary School in Hamilton, Ontario, for the first day of classes.
Teacher Kayla Lemieux showed up for the first day of school dressed as a man. An officer told that Lemieux has been self-identifying as male and using the legal name Kerry

Lemieux was in men’s attire and sporting stubble on his face. An officer told that Lemieux has been self-identifying as male and using the legal name Kerry.

The blond wig, makeup and enormous prosthetic breasts under tight-fitting tops that Lemieux wore in the classroom at a high school in Oakville, Ont. last school year were not on display.


It was the same look Lemieux had for at least one week before classes started, as revealed exclusively by

Just after 8.15am on Wednesday, Lemieux arrived at the rear door of the school in a vehicle escorted by two unmarked cars with officers from Halton Regional Police Service. Stepping out of the rear seat, the shop teacher was flanked by security guards contracted by the school board.

Police collaborated with security personnel and school officials to ensure Lemieux’s safety. As revealed exclusively, the teacher met with officers for about 30 minutes on Tuesday to discuss the plan.

There were no organized protests outside the school, which sits on a cul-de-sac and is surrounded by corn fields.

In a letter to parents before the new school year, principal Tom Fisher warned of ‘possible media interest onsite and protests’ due to the hiring of an ‘experience educator’ who was ‘recently the subject of public attention, pertaining to their gender expression, while teaching at a school in a different community.’

Fisher did not name Lemieux but outlined precautions, including ‘having students enter and exit the building using assigned doors at entry and dismissal’ and ‘locking exterior doors during school hours, only using the front main doors during school hours.’

Fisher did not respond to requests for comment.

Halton Regional Police Service has kept mum on precautions and whether there have been any threats against Lemieux or the school.

One student who will have Lemieux as a teacher said it was ‘a little bit’ of a relief to know that Lemieux was presenting as a male. He said Lemieux’s appearance, including the bogus mega-breasts with prominent nipples, was ‘kinda weird.’

Source: Daily Mail Online